Career Center Tips

While searching on online job boards, pay attention to potential scams.

At the Career Center, we do our best to prevent fraudulent job postings. However, there is always the potential for a job listing to be fake. It is very important that you, as a job seeker, exercise common sense and caution when using our job board and others.  

What to do if you encounter suspicious postings in the VC Job Board:

  • Please report your experience to VC Career Development Center at 805-289-6473 or and to The Internet Crime Complaint Center.
  • End all communication with the employer, and if personal information was disclosed, monitor your accounts to ensure your information isn't being used with malicious intent
  • Contact the police and report the fraud or scam.
  • If you have sent money to a fraudulent employer, contact your bank or credit card company immediately to close your account and dispute the charges.
  • If the incident occurred entirely over the internet, file an incident report with the FCC at 1-877-FTC-HELP (1-877-382-4357) or at 

Safety Tips for Your Online Job Search


1. Research The Company

When applying for any position, research the company thoroughly before releasing any of your personal information.

  • Read the job description carefully
  • Review the company’s website
  • Google search the company name followed by the words such as, “fraud,” “scam,” “reviews,” “complaints.”
  • Use company reviews on sites such as

If a position or job offer seems to be too good to be true, or if you feel uncomfortable with some of the information requested, do not proceed. Even if the original position description seems legitimate, some might receive follow-up e-mails, phone calls or job offers that seem unusual. If any red flags like the ones listed below are raised, do not give up any personal information.


2. Beware of Check & Money Order Scams

No legitimate job or company will EVER ask you to send money to them. Unfortunately, scams may occur in which the victim receives a counterfeit check or money order and is told to deposit it into their own bank account. Quickly after, they are told the wrong amount was given to them and are asked to forward a portion of the funds through a wire transfer service back to the scammer. Later, the original check will bounce.

Watch the following video created by the Federal Trade Commission and read through the safety tips before you start your search.


3. Look Out for Common Red Flags:

  • Being told you've been hired without ever interviewing or meeting your potential employer.
  • Multiple misspellings in the job description and in your correspondence with the employer.
  • Posting appears to come from a legitimate company or organization, but the contact's e-mail address doesn't match that of the company's website domain (i.e., rather than
  • Job posting doesn't mention the responsibilities of the job and solely  focuses on the amount of money you will make.
  • At the time of hire, the employer tells you they are traveling internationally and needs you to be their assistant or run errands for them. 
  • You are asked to give credit card, bank or PayPal account numbers.
  • You are asked to send a payment by wire service or courier.
  • You are offered a large payment or reward in exchange for allowing the use of your bank account - often for depositing checks or transferring money.
  • You receive an unexpectedly large check.
  • You are promised a large salary for very little work or the salary is way out of range for an entry level position, part-time job, or internship.
  • You are asked for personal information such as your Social Security number before even being considered for the position.
  • You are requested to send a photo copy of your ID to "verify identity".
  • You are asked to complete a background check before you can be considered for a position.
  • The position initially seems to be a traditional job, but upon further research or contact, is actually an independent contractor or franchise opportunity.
  • The position requires upfront fees.

Some Other Tips:

  • If the position listing is for an international opportunity, does it include travel expenses? Upfront program fees? Research the company and compare its program/benefits with other similar opportunities.
  • Verify that a URL listed in the ad goes to the internet domain of the company that listed it. For example, if the ad lists one URL but instead directs to another, it could be a scam.
  • When using any job board, read their privacy policies carefully.